SlayKallections is a jewelry brand based in Florida. Created by a black woman, we aim to make women feel beautiful by wearing our stylish pieces. We provide high-quality jewelry that are affordable, tarnish-free, and hypoallergenic.


In God I Trust!

My name is Katiana, the founder and creative director of SlayKallections. SlayKallections was born out of my passion for jewelry, particularly necklaces. My goal is to show women that fashion is fun and inspire them to embrace their individuality and personal style while on a budget. I create each piece with care, love, and an idea of how it will fit into your wardrobe so you can wear it now or later. Slay on!


My message to this person who's reading this message is to make your dream a reality because I did, and so can you.

Thank you for supporting my business!
- xoxo Katiana